lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Grip the dark. Bukowski

I sit here
 drunk now
 listening to the 
same symphonies
 that gave me
 the will to go on
 when I was 22.

 40 years later
 they and I are not quite so
you should have
 seen me then
 I was 
a gaunt string of a 
blazing, strong,
say one wrong word 
to me
 and I’d crack you right there.

 I didn’t want to be bothered 
with anything or anyone.

 I seemed to be
 always on my way to some
after being booked for 
doing things
 on or off the

I sit here drunk now.

 I am a series 
of small victories
 and large defeats 
 I am as 
as any other 
I have gotten
 from there to here 
without committing murder 
or being murdered;

 having ended up in the
 as I drink alone
 again tonight 
my soul despite all the past 
thanks all the gods
 who were not
for me

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